We are currently enrolling!
Oakland Academy Student
Enrollment Information
Oakland Academy is the BEST choice because…
Oakland Academy’s educational goals and practices have been designed with the recognition that a child’s future success in life is influenced significantly by early educational experiences.
Throughout all of our interaction and instruction with students, we seek to nurture several fundamental traits of character:
1. Behavior that demonstrates enthusiasm and competence.
2. Behavior that reflects appreciation of and respect for others.
3. Behavior that evidences a growing sense of responsibility.
To promote the development of these traits, we utilize the following specific principles of guidance:
* We provide a safe and learning-rich environment.
* We monitor and record developmental and academic progress.
* We incorporate the use of rules as aids to success in complex cases.
* We provide to each child an expanding depth and range of exploratory opportunities.
* We arrange that each child experiences frequent, practical success coupled with social esteem.
For more enrollment information please contact our Registrar, Shawn Boris, by email at boriss@oaklandacademy.org or by phone at 269-324-8951.

Open Enrollment
Families can apply anytime throughout the school year but the formal Open Enrollment Process runs during a set period in February.
Oakland Academy is a Michigan public school and does not discriminate on the basis of intellectual or athletic abilities, measures of achievement or aptitude, handicapped status, religion, creed, race, sex, color or national origin.
The Academy shall not charge tuition (but may charge fees in the same manner as existing public schools).
People interested in applying for the school year may obtain applications on our website or at the school office. The Academy will mail or fax applications upon request.
If the number of applicants for a classroom exceeds the number of positions available, the Academy will hold a random selection lottery at the school. The random selection drawing shall be open to the public. All applicants will be notified of the time and place. Names will be drawn until all available classroom positions have been filled. The remaining names will be drawn thereafter and assigned to classroom waiting lists in the order of their selection.
If applicants are still on a waiting list at the conclusion of the school year in which they applied, they must resubmit an application for the following year.
If the number of applicants for a grade for the next school year received by the last business day of February exceeds the number of positions available, a random selection lottery shall be held on or about March 15th. Siblings of students already enrolled in the school will have preference for any openings.
Once children are enrolled, they will remain eligible to be enrolled at the Academy for successive years without having to reenter the selection process. They must, however, reenroll for the subsequent year no later than the last business day in February.