Food Services

Breakfast/Lunch Menus



Landmark Academy School Breakfast

Breakfast/Lunch Order Form



Landmark Academy School Breakfast

School Meal Information

Both breakfast and lunch options are available to all students at the Academy for a minimal cost. Free or reduced price meals are available for students who qualify under Federal guidelines. Application for the National School Lunch Program can be obtained in the school office or online at . Students participating in the National Free/Reduced School Lunch Program will receive one breakfast and lunch per day, including milk.

The academy food service participates with the Meal Magic Program so each student has a digital “account” at the academy. While most families choose to make deposits on a monthly basis at the time of ordering, your family may also decide to make weekly or bi-weekly deposits. Deposits may be done online by the family. If a student balance goes below $0.00, a deposit request will be sent home as a reminder that payment is due. There is a -$10.00 cap on all accounts. Once an account has reached the maximum limit, that student cannot continue to receive the hot meal choice. Until the balance is paid in full, the student will receive a cereal packet with milk or any available leftovers. However, with meals pre-ordered weekly, the Academy cannot guarantee that there will be additional food every day. Prior to graduating the Academy, all outstanding balances must be paid to complete a student transfer.

If your student is withdrawing from the Academy or has a change in their free/reduced meal statue, and has money in his/her meal account, a check will be issued by the Academy for the refund amount. To ensure you receive this refund, the following is requested:
• Submit a written request to your child’s school office for the refund of unused monies in the student’s meal account.
• Submit this request within 10 days of the student’s withdrawal from school.
• Failure to follow this procedure may result in these revenues becoming property of the
• Note that any account that incurs 30 days of inactivity may be closed.

Refund request forms are available in the school office.

AM Breakfast and Lunch Service

Breakfast and lunch forms along with menus are sent home with the student each month.

Nutrition at School

We concentrate on good nutrition at school. We all have busy schedules but it’s important to make sure we’re taking the time to encourage healthy eating habits at school and at home.

Healthy Breakfast and lunch ideas:


  • fruit cups, Jell-O with fruit or pudding
  • apples
  • bananas, grapes, pre-cut fruit in baggies such as strawberries or watermelon
  • pre-cut vegetables such as cucumbers, baby carrots, broccoli, celery or peppers with ranch dip
  • granola bars, graham crackers, pretzels, popcorn , or Chex Mix
  • crackers and cheese, animal crackers, raisins
  • dry cereal in a baggy like Life or Kix
  • bagel with cream cheese, yogurt with granola or cottage cheese with fruit


  • any of the above
  • chicken salad or lunch meat sandwich or cold pizza
  • small salad with dressing on side
  • soup, spaghetti, or ravioli in a Thermos


  • small bottled water
  • low sugar fruit juice like apple juice or orange juice or lemonade
  • non-caffeinated beverages
  • milk from school
  • NO POP